How much does penis enlargement surgery cost: typical questions from men

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost, where is the best place to have the procedure and is it dangerous? These are typical questions for men who plan to improve the parameters of the penis. To determine exactly how appropriate such an intervention is, you should consult a urologist. When talking to the doctor, you should inform him of the desired penis size and your expectations from the procedure. When recommending the type of operation, the specialist takes into account the general condition of the man. Therefore, the patient is first diagnosed. Until such an answer is received, the appointment of the penis enlargement method is incorrect.

Male prejudices: the main causes of size dissatisfaction

The desire to improve the parameters of the penis is 90% associated with dissatisfaction in the intimate area. For example, if a man is taught that the size of his penis directly determines his sexual vitality. Regular comparison of the organ or the partner's dissatisfaction with intimate relations with it leads to the improvement of the parameters of the penis. Moreover, women associate the 2nd factor with the miniature size of a man's penis, which does not always lead to a low quality of sex life.

The process of surgical enlargement of the penis by a surgeon

Whether surgery is necessary: average penis size

Before you know how much penile enlargement surgery costs, you need to determine whether it is necessary at all. The average size of the reproductive organ at the age of 18 is 12-17 cm (length) and 3. 5 cm in diameter. You can measure the indicators with a measuring tape (a standard ruler distorts the result, especially if there is a curvature of the penis). The parameters are influenced by the physical structure of the patient, age, nationality, genetic aspect and the state of the endocrine system.

His partner's displeasure forces his man to undergo penis enlargement surgery

Indications for penis enlargement surgery

Experts define the following guidelines for penis enlargement:

  1. Micropenis syndrome.
  2. Reproductive organ curvature.
  3. Desire to improve your sexual performance.
  4. The need to increase self-confidence (if a man cannot satisfy his partner due to the small size of the penis).

If the genital organ is deformed due to trauma, surgical enlargement can help get rid of this problem. Surgery is also suitable for men whose penis is small due to hormonal problems and diabetes.

Doctors forbid men to undergo penis enlargement surgery if there are contraindications

Contraindications to surgical intervention

The specialist does not expand the reproductive organ invasively, if the patient:

  1. Low blood clotting.
  2. Oncological processes in the urogenital system.
  3. Heart failure.
  4. Allergy to any substance used for anesthesia.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Diabetes mellitus.

Additional contraindications - presence of severe mental disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy); tendency to develop colloidal scars; Purulent processes in the groin area.

Types of operations: what can be done?

First, you need to decide which parameters of the penis you want to improve - length, width or both criteria at the same time. If you want to increase the girth of the penis, lipofilling, microsurgical muscle grafting and hyaluronic acid injections can help. If the goal is to lengthen the penis, it is advisable to undergo a ligamentotomy. Penis prosthesis is a universal method, since the implant placed inside the cavernous bodies allows you to immediately increase the length and width of the penis.


This is the dissection of the ligament that stretches the reproductive organ and holds it in this position. The cut structure is then moved into the pelvic cavity and secured. The next step is to place the stitches and then apply a sterile bandage. The duration of a set of actions is up to 40 minutes. (provided there is no bleeding).

Attention! If ligamentotomy is performed incorrectly, the risk of erectile dysfunction increases.


It involves taking fat tissue from one area of the body and placing it in the corpus cavernosum. The patient is given anesthesia for the first time. Stitches open on 5-7 days. If you used a self-absorbing material, this is not necessary. The average duration of the surgical approach is 2 hours.The success of lipofilling depends on how evenly the adipose tissue is distributed in the corpora cavernosa.It is also important that it takes root. In some clinics, fat cells are injected with a syringe.

Lipofilling - enlargement of the penis by injection of fatty tissue

Prosthesis of the penis

A safe, long-term method of penis enlargement with small indicators - both in length and width. The method involves implantation of hypoallergenic material in the place of cavernous bodies. The average duration is up to 2. 5 hours. Penile prosthesis is performed under anesthesia.

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost, in this case depends on the nature of the material used. Modern specialists use flexible implants made of silicone. Inside the cavernous bodies, they maintain the physiological state of the organ and provide it with a natural appearance.

After installing the endoprosthesis, the wound is sutured and a sterile bandage is applied.

Attention!In order for the body not to perceive the implant as a foreign body and reject it, shortly before the procedure, the patient is prescribed medications that reduce immunity.

A penile prosthesis is performed in the same way as after any other type of penis enlargement surgery.

Microsurgical muscle transplantation

This is a complex 2-stage operation and was used relatively recently. A flap of muscle tissue is taken from the side of the body, then folded into a tube shape and implanted into the corpus cavernosum. The fibers are given a natural position, then sutures and a sterile dressing are applied.

Attention!To prevent blood loss, 2 groups of surgeons work simultaneously in the operating room.
A man suffers from groin discomfort due to a microsurgical penile muscle graft

The probability of fiber rooting is about 80% (because the patient's own tissue is used).

The duration of the intervention is up to 3 hours (provided that the anesthesia is tolerated normally and there is no bleeding). In the postoperative period, the patient is given an active pain reliever, since the discomfort in the groin area is severe.

Application of gels based on hyaluronic acid

The cost of penile enlargement surgery using fillers depends on the difference between the original size of the organ and the desired result.

Hyaluronic acid provides penis enlargement, but not lengthening. The method involves injecting a special transparent gel directly into the cavernous bodies. The procedure involves punctures - they are painful, and to reduce discomfort, the specialist first administers anesthesia. It concerns the treatment of tissues with a special "freezing" cream or the spraying of a spray containing an anesthetic agent. The duration of the manipulation is up to 40 minutes.

The advantage of the procedure is that there is no need to dissect the tissue and the possibility of quick recovery. The disadvantage is that the effect disappears quickly; After 9 months, it is necessary to correct the condition (take at least 50% of the previously used dose).

Before starting the penis enlargement surgery, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Preparation for surgery

The goal of the specialist is to make sure that the patient has no contraindications for the intervention. They are related to the state of health and are detected thanks to equipment, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. The doctor will conduct an examination, during the conversation he will find out the reasons for the desire to enlarge the penis, then he will ask you to undergo:

  1. Blood test (biochemical, clinical), urine analysis.
  2. ECG, fluorography.
  3. Doppler measurements (to evaluate the blood supply of cavernous bodies).
  4. Ultrasound of the scrotum.
  5. Smear from the urethra (to exclude the presence of sexually transmitted infections).

Additional types of research depend on the clinical case and are therefore prescribed individually.

Men and women evaluate the results of penis enlargement surgery

10 days before the intervention you should stop taking any medication, 5 days before the procedure you should observe sexual rest. A surgical field should also be prepared (probably hair removal). You should not eat food the day before the intervention, and water on the day of the intervention. Since anesthesia is planned, it will be necessary to clean the intestine beforehand (by means of an enema).

What determines the outcome of the operation?

Success depends on the ability of the skin to absorb the suture material, the patient's immunity and the presence of concomitant pathologies. The professionalism of the doctor and the level of the clinic are of no small importance. The cost of penis enlargement surgery does not reflect the risk of possible complications.

How many centimeters can you extend and increase the volume?

Penile prosthesis increases the penis by an average of 3 cm and up to 6-7 cm in length. In this case, the reproductive organ will always have a semi-excited state. And due to the flexibility of the endoprosthesis, it can be held by tight underwear.

Hyaluronic acid helps to enlarge the penis up to 4 cm in diameter (over the entire length), it looks big. Ligamentotomy increases a man's height by 5-6 cm. Transplantation of muscle fibers ensures penis enlargement by 3-3. 5 cm. At the same time, there is a slight increase in length - up to 3 cm. The reproductive organ looks more massive and the male sexual function is normalized due to this.

Possible complications after surgery

Potential complications:

  1. Inflammation (due to bacterial flora entering the surgical wound).
  2. Rejection of implanted material. The body recognizes the substance in the corpora cavernosa as a foreign substance and rejects it. It is impossible to influence this, so the patient is offered only an alternative method of penis enlargement.
  3. Bleeding (may occur during the intervention or during the recovery period after it). Associated with damage to blood vessels, weight lifting during rehabilitation.
  4. Curvature of the genital organ (if the implant is placed unevenly).

Mistakes in the injection of hyaluronic acid lead to the formation of rings in the tissues of the penis. They are heavy, deform the corpus cavernosum and can cause inflammation.

Attention!If you follow the doctor's recommendations for the care of the operating organ, you can minimize the risk of complications.
After the penis enlargement surgery, you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

Rehabilitation period: doctor's advice

The following are contraindicated for tissue recovery after surgery:

  • Lift heavy objects (this can cause bleeding and stitches to break).
  • Drink alcohol, smoke (intoxication of the body after anesthesia causes many complications).
  • Eat heavy food. The diet should be light so as not to overload the intestines, because constipation will increase the pain in the wound.
  • Very cool. After surgery, immunity decreases. Therefore, exposure to scratches and low temperatures can cause the disease.

Immediately after the operation, a catheter is installed in the patient's urethra (through which urination takes place). While the patient is in the ward, his care (washing, antiseptic treatment) is carried out by the staff. At the time of discharge from the clinic, the urethral catheter is removed and the man urinates on his own. At home, the patient needs to maintain intimate hygiene after every visit to the toilet. This prevents infection of the operating organ.

When can the result of the operation be evaluated?

The result of the intervention can be evaluated only after complete healing of the tissues, removal of sutures (if artificial threads were used) and subsidence of swelling:

  • After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the effect of expansion is noticeable after 4 days, when the characteristic swelling disappears by itself.
  • Lipofilling is an intervention that implies a quick effect (in the sense that it is an invasive procedure). The result is noticeable in 2 weeks.
  • The success of ligamentotomy can be assessed only after 2 months (this is the average period).
  • Microsurgical muscle transplantation involves a recovery period of 3 weeks. After this period, you can determine how successful the procedure was.
  • After penile prosthesis you can evaluate the effect only after 2-3 weeks.

Only average recovery periods are shown.In general, regeneration after surgery depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and the condition of the body.

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost: what does the price depend on?

Average cost of penis enlargement surgery in Russian cities:

  • Penile prosthesis – from $1000 (including endoprosthesis price).
  • Muscle transplantation - $1580.
  • Introduction of hyaluronic acid - 1 filler costs from 115 dollars, but 8 copies are needed for 1 increase.
  • Ligamentotomy - from 1525 dollars.
  • Lipofilling - from 525 dollars.

The price depends on the type of intervention, the difference between the original size of the penis and the desired one, the reputation of the clinic and the qualification of the doctor.

When figuring out how much penile enlargement surgery costs, it is important to consider that the amount does not include the cost of staying in the ward (calculated for 1 day), anesthesia, food and consumables. These are additional costs that you should also prepare for.

Reviews of patients and doctors

  • "Penile prosthesis is a reliable way to make the penis thicker and longer. "The period of use of endoprosthesis is practically unlimited. Given that the implant is of hypoallergenic origin, the risk of developing adverse health consequences is excluded. "
  • "For a long time I had a desire to enlarge the penis - I did not dare, fearing negative consequences. It is strange, but everything went without complications, but after recovery from anesthesia, painkillers were prescribed for the first time. At the time of discharge from the hospital, the penis was already long (6 cm) and wide (3 cm). The scar was not noticeable because cosmetic stitches were applied. Muscle grafting is a high-quality method. "
  • "I was hoping that the penis would thicken at least a little, but when I heard that it only grows until the age of 18, I knew that it was not expected. I made an appointment at the clinic and had hyaluronic acid injections. I'm happy with the effect, because the extra 2. 5 cm increase helped me feel like a real man. When the money runs out (in about 9 months), I will definitely register again. "